19th Annual Pavel Koutecký Award | February 2025, Prague

WALK: To See With Our Ears

7. 9. 2024
Additional programme

A sound walk, when we see with our ears and how sound shapes the image of the space in which we are, brings us a new opportunity to perceive our surroundings and transform the given sound palette of these colours into compositions that will represent complex characteristic corners and situations of urban life. Thanks to the processing of recordings of the metal clanking of lamps, railings and benches, we will find ourselves in an environment ranging from the striking tower of the cathedral to construction sites and construction machinery. All the sound compositions of the colourful tones of the city will allow us to project and stage environments that are familiar to us even in Ústí. This is an educational program for children and youth. Individuals of this workshop will be able to try working with a microphone, recording, bending individual sounds up to composition itself and creating dynamics in the time medium. The result will be compositions — electroacoustic collages.


Lada Jaffe is a music composer, teacher on the Elementary Art School and a student of Digital Media at FUD. To her credit, she has the premiere of her Symphony 1, performed by the North Bohemian Philharmonic, audiovisual performances at festivals, music creation for theater and dance performances, performances with her electro dark pop project and other educational programs in the form of suburban Zahálka camps.


The walk starts from Hraničář and ends in Ještěrka.


We recommend booking (please indicate the number of people interested) via email doprovodny@elbedock.cz.

The price of the walk and the following workshop is 50 CZK per child.