Mezinárodní filmový festival BOO | listopad 2025, Praha


6. 5. 2024

The aim of the FILM INN project is to support and train emerging audiovisual filmmakers from the V4 region in the field of short films and audiovisual projects. Closed workshops and open masterclasses for filmmakers and audiences from the V4 countries will take place in the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and Poland.


In the V4 countries, there is also little emphasis on systemic change and examples of good practice (especially in state institutions). The combination of similar values, cultural and aesthetic standards can be best exploited in the cultural and linguistic proximity of the Visegrad countries. Our FILM INN project can be exaggeratedly called FILM INN 2.0, building on last year's successful edition with good feedback and reflection from industry professionals and students. The support from the V4 countries is evenly distributed across all target groups, as is the emphasis on finding systemic improvements. The potential of the countries is in developing cooperation at all levels (by this we mean also support for co-productions and cooperation of filmmakers across the V4 countries), support and development of education in cooperation with partners who are all working in similar fields (short filmmaking, education, film and other production). There is also potential for further cooperation with the remaining partners, in particular with the Hungarian partner, with whom a mini version of the industry programme will take place.




Friss Hús Budapest

Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury


Supported by:
The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.